Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama-Rama... Something very interesting is happening here in America. We have a new President about to take over power. There seems to be this 'buzz' that this man will 'change' things somehow.

I hope he is an effective leader-who takes bold steps-in the best interest of our nation & world.

Personally I think it's wonderful that an African-American is going to be our 44th President. Our 3rd President [Thomas Jeffereson] actually owned black slaves! We've come a long way since those most cruel & oppressive times.

Someone had a dream... He told the masses: "I might not get there with you"

Martin Luther King would be proud!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

My awesome girlfriend Linda!

'The Decade Without a Name" has just begun it's final year. Remember back in 1999 when everyone thought the world would end-once the hit counter-hit 2000? "The Y2K Bug" I believe it was called. Computers fritzin' out, panic, planes dropping from the sky, etc...

10 years have gone by since then. I'm amazed at how quickly time passes.

Blogging has taken a back seat to Love the most of 2008. I've posted a picture of my most amazing girlfriend. Her name is Linda & I love her dearly.

Now I have a whole year to reflect back upon. I have returned to once again inflict you with my smug opinions.