Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Reunions are like Onions... 'Rock & Roll is 1/2 musicianship & 1/2 P.T. Barnum.' That's a line I heard or read somwhere a long time ago. Indeed, a band like The Rolling Stones (in concert) put on a very 'circus-like' show. Stone's shows have an almost 'carnival-like' atmosphere to them. (Incidently The 'Freak Show' are actually the fans.) Which leads me to... Sting has decided to reuite The Police - the band that put him on the map. I read an article on MSNBC that said "the only way Sting can be cool again is to reunite The Police." That made me laugh out loud 'cause it's so true! To boot, Van Halen is going back out on the road with David Lee Roth (circus ring-master supreme) after 20 years. That should be quite entertaining to watch unfold. Reunions are like onions 'cause the more layers you peel, the more tears you'll shed. P.T. Barnum is looking down (or quite possibly up) with a smile on his face....