Saturday, May 27, 2006

Feeling Buggy... Oh My Lord! I picked up a horrible viral infection in my stomach from somewhere. Oh did it suck so bad. This was no 24 hour bug-more like 3 days of Hell. This felt like 'Divine Retribution' or something to that effect. *** Beware My Fellow Bloggers as the 'bug' may be lurking nearby*** Wash your hands frequently, try not to touch door knobs, handles, etc... A Public Service Message from Bonfire Jones

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Outside The Universe.... I'm currently tormenting myself with metapysical issues. This sort of thing happens to me every so often, especially after re-reading books like 'Cosmos' by Carl Sagan & 'A Brief History of Time' by Steven Hawking. Listening to old lectures by Alan Watts adds to my despair as well. My core problem with material-existence is the whole 'eternity' concept. I can understand eternity going forwards as it is seems logical to comprehend. One would always want to see another day (or at least most of us would) so I'm jiggy with that idea. What perplexes me (and everyone else who wonders about such ethereal questions) is eternity from the past. It blows my mind that 100 billion years ago was preceded by 100 billion years & that 100 billion years was preceded by another 100 billion years & on & on & on.... Imagine a number like 1,000,000,000 to the 100th power. As huge as that number is - it only is a mere slice of time - in comparison to eternity. Karl Marx wrote that God does not exist. Yet he also believed that 'matter' existed always. How so? Why did it always exist? Then there's that 'a watch implies a watch-maker' philosophy that we all have heard. Who created the watch-maker then?
After I hit 'publish post' on Blogger I'm going to run outside into the middle of the street & scream....

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I Don't Need No Holy Man... This is the next 'single' that The Rumble Strips are putting on IAC soon. Despite it's title the song is not ant-religon or religous figures, etc... It's simply about those feelings many of us have in life in regards to this concept/idea. Is there truly a need for a 'holy man' figure to guide us through life? Does one need an 'avatar' or preacher *mentor* to help reinforce or form one's spiritual awareness? We don't know - yet we ask the question(s.) Maybe...