Saturday, March 29, 2008

Presidential Prognosis Negative... I've been somewhat 'alarmed' at the way the U.S. Presidential primaries are going. I make no apologies in saying that I'm a Democrat with 'amendments.' That does not mean that I'm a 'left-wing, liberal nut' like a person such as *Ann Coulter might perceive.

*For those who don't know... Ann Coulter is a 'right-wing, conservative nut.

I'm actually quite frightened at the moment. George W. Bush sucks as President. You ever notice this guy always sort of smiles & laughs no matter what questions are put forth to him? Does Bush even have a clue?

In any case George "Lame Duck" Bush is out of office next year. However what the hell is going to happen afterwards? Obama, Hillary & McCain all scare me out of my wits!

Will the terrorists [test the new President] as they have done with Bill Clinton in 1993 & "W" in 2001? I believe so. They were intent on taking down the World Trade Center & they succeeded. What is the next 'target' of intent?

Maybe I'm just being paranoid? According to the Mayan Calander [the world as we know it] ceases to exist after 2012. Other ancient calenders, prophecies, etc... point to the year 2012 also.

It's 2008 so whoever becomes President will more than likely be President in 2012.

That's what scares me! I'm scared of everything. I scared of myself.

Even God scares me...


Blogger grace said...

He appears to be puppet like when you see him. He is so awkward, that is scary! You are President have some sort of smooth quality about you.
I think you have reason to be scared, of this election, of all the things you mention, I am scared too. ( I think there is long line for the scared sign up)


7:04 PM  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Hi Ed, the whole world is scared of who is going to be the next president of the US. What worries many of us is that the leadership in the States has far too great an influence on what happens to the rest of us as well. I don't know about the 2012 thing although of course I've heard about these beliefs, but there have been many other prophesies for the end of the world that have all come and gone. I wonder whether it is more that it will be the end of the world as we know it? Maybe that's more worrying than a real end to the physical world. I guess we are all in the same boat here worldwide, so we must all work and do our best to see that it doesn't happen

3:08 PM  
Blogger Cathy with a C said...

Hi, Ed

I've heard about the 2012 prophecy before - I think the end of the world is predicted to happen on my birthday that year - 12/21/12 - those numbers look prophetic as I look at them written down. One of the tv shows I saw on prophecies said that the Mayan legend says that everything Man created and the animals of the earth seek revenge for what Man has done to the earth. Family pets savagely attack their owners, heating systems explode, blankets strangle unsuspecting sleepers, etc...

I've heard another prophecy that corresponds to somewhat the same timeline in that this Pope will be the end of the Roman Catholic church. Not so much that the church will end and the world will continue, but that this will be the end of the world.

But as vallyp said, there are lots of end of the world prophecies that have come and gone. Maybe it will be the end of one "life" and the beginning of a new world. All we can do is love each other and do the best we can on a daily basis.


7:17 PM  
Blogger Bonfire Jones said...

Grace; The Scared Sign Up is brilliant! It would be a petition of sorts.

Val; Your absolutely right that US leadership (and policy) has far too much influence on the rest of the world.

Cathy; Very insightful comment! I've heard about this & according to 'propecies' there is allegedly going to be 1 more Pope.

On a more positive note & to validate Val's comment; There have been many 'doom & gloom' predictions throughout the ages that never came to pass.

Let's hope this is the case in 2012as well.

6:16 AM  
Blogger Vallypee said...

Hi Ed, I've just been reading about another doom and gloom prophesy...but this one was in 1014 before the Norman conquest of England! It was widely believed then that the world was about to end, and that signs in the stars had all signalled there you go. That was a thousand years ago....not that my optimism about the future of this age improves! Hoping you are well and that you are enjoying each day as it comes ;-)

3:15 PM  
Blogger Lucy said...

Hi Ed,
Back in January I wrote all about how scared I was about the 2012 stuff. (the "Armageddon Scared" post on my blog, if you want to read it. Can't remember the date and too lazy to look it up at the moment!). Anyway, it echoed much of what Cathy says above.

And.... you'll kill me for this, but I actually LIKE Ann Coulter. ::ducking and running now.... lol:: I'm reading her book, Guilty and it makes a WHOLE lot of sense. I realize she's a bit harsh and out there...

11:35 AM  

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