Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dear Bonfire.... all my life people have been drawn to me for advice, sympathy & venting their feelings. This is flattering indeed- yet very exhausting at times. This has prompted me to possibly start an 'Advice - Blog' akin to Dear Abbey or Ann Landers newspaper columns. I'd field questions & try to give 'enlightenment' to those seeking answers. Maybe when the weather cools down a bit I'll start this Blog up. Dream Secret's CD.... I'm dragging getting my parts finished up on our CD in progress. There are a few reasons for this; 1) In our studio-area is a cat-litter box that sometimes stinks so bad that I hallucinate. 2) This heat & humidity sucks out all my physical/creative energies. 3) A few of the discs containing basic tracks got corrupted & I had to mix everything on them to my Masterlink [an extremely high-resolution 2 track digital recorder] This was the only way to salvage all our work on those bad disks. Luckily I was able to save all the data although they are now 2 track 'sub-mixes.' Not exactly how I intended to record these tracks - however there was no sound degradation so we're cool. That's one of the down-sides to digital recording. Data can become skunked for no apparent reason. We're going to go back to analog-tape for some of the recording work. Tape is not a perfect recording-medium-however it does sound better than digital for some things plus there are other advantages as well. (Technical stuff that I won't go into here) Hope everyone out there is having a lovely Summer!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Heat Wave... that song is stuck in my head. Our tremendously accurate 'weather people' have informed us that we're in for a major heat wave. This is for the east-coast of the USA & elsewhere. I'm in northern-New Jersey-12 miles from New York City. This area is a 'heat-pocket' and we almost always will have higher temperatures than other parts of the country. They say if you live in New Jersey you can live just about anywhere. We have weeks in April where on a Monday it'll be 80+ degrees outside, Wednesday feels like Fall weather at 50 degrees & Friday we get hit with a snow-storm! I'm not joking. It's absolutely nuts.... much like myself. I blame everything on New Jersey. Yep.... it's all Jersey's fault! Except when I'm on the beach getting tanned & feeling that lovely sea-breeze. I have yet to do that this year. I've got a friend who has a shore house in Ocean Beach. They call me a 'Bennie' when I go down there. A Bennie is someone from Nothern New Jersey or outside the 'Jersey Shore'-area. You can spot a Bennie by their tan-lines. Bennie's only have tanned arms & you can see their tan- lines from wearing short-sleeved shirts. It's actually quite funny. So I must go south & 'de-Bennify' myself a bit. On the ride down I'll play 'Bennie & The Jets' by Elton John.