Monday, October 09, 2006

In The Ghetto... of Eden that is. Dream Secret's concept album "Ghetto of Eden" is shaping up nicely. We've unearthed a song that we kind of forgot about. It's called 'Mama's Girl' which we wrote & did a demo of back in the 90's. When we initially did the song it really didn't fit with what we were doing at the time. Now it has aged into a relevant 'piece of the puzzle' & works perfectly into the flow of our story. To do a concept album/CD/digital download [or whatever the fuck people call songs strung together as a collection these days] may be viewed as absurd. Despite this we feel it's a worthy endeavour. This is a very tense, scary time we all live in. Mankind has taken a paradise [Earth] and turned it into a shit-hole. Ghettos are not part of nature's plan. Their evolution is evil, despicable & the end result of human neglect. We're pissed-off about it. How about you?