Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hyppocratic Oath My Ass... Earlier this week I drove my Dad to the Veteran's Administration Hospital for a routine check up by an optomologist. His eyes get blurry due to the sedating eye-drops they administer. This is why I drive him there & back.

As I waited for him in the waiting room I overheard a guy sitting next to me say "Yeah, the doctor said why bother getting your teeth fixed since you're going to die?" to another man sitting opposite him.

I could not believe my ears! So I said to him; "don't mean to eavesdrop but what do you mean, you're going to die?"

The man replied to me "I have lung cancer & my doctor said I have 6 months to live. He told me that 7 months ago & I'm still here!" The guy looked fine & actually a bit overweight as well. You wouldn't think he was that ill with cancer as he didn't have that "look."

"So I'm getting my teeth fixed, new glasses & whatever else I need" the guy added.

Good for him!!! I told him to keep that positive attitude & fuck that low-life Doctor who has a stone for a heart. What the hell kind of thing is that to say to a Veteran of this country's armed services? I pray this man throws it back in this doctor's face & lives indefinitely! He's already up 1 month.

This country sucks as far as medical treatment & health care. It's all about fucking money...

Don't get me wrong. Many doctors are good, ethical people. My personal doctor is a saint! However there is something very wrong with this country's stance on health care for it's citizens.

Other than that, I'm doing ok. Hope you all are too!

***Mark thanks everyone who commented positively on his psychedelic shed!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Psychedelic Shed... my friend & musical cohort Mark just finished painting his shed. Not your typical paint job as this is a work of art!

The picture you see here was taken by me during the mid-afternoon of a bright, sunny day.

That 'sun-ray' prism effect' was completely accidental & unplanned! Happy accidents always make me.....
